In "Title", author Amol Deepa Damodar Kavthankar invites readers into the deeply personal and inspiring world of his mother, fondly referred to as 'Kunda'. Through eloquent prose and heartfelt storytelling, Kavthankar draws parallels between Kunda's life and the enduring power symbolized by the phoenix, the creature that rises from its own ashes.From the tender memories of her childhood to the profound challenges and triumphs she faced throughout her journey, this biography paints a rich world of Kunda's experiences. Each page resonates with the essence of her resilience, showing her unwavering determination to overcome obstacles and grow stronger.Author Amol Kavthankar, through his heart-warming writing, takes readers into Kunda's world, where every emotion is palpable and every victory feels hard-earned. Kavthankar's writings skilfully capture the essence of Kunda's life, presented in an evocative and accessible language.As readers immerse themselves in the story, they not only witness Kunda's remarkable life but find themselves deeply connected to her journey, feeling a deep sense of empathy and admiration for her indomitable spirit.