List Your Books

Why should I list my books here?
Browsing an ecommerce bookstore and browsing a highly rich books cataloguing portal are two different things.

Authors and Publishers can easily list their New Releases or entire Catalogue in bulk on this portal. Readers will like to browse your catalogue here and can order books from their favourite online bookstores. Don't forget to mention your main distributor for bulk orders.

We will share your new books data with all online bookstores and marketplaces for quick listing and wide visibility. Please keep your metadata, pricing and books' covers updated on this portal and make it your one source data availability for Book Trade.

We developed and applied many customized web applications in this portal to create rich metadata fields and inter-linkings. With 50+ fields and links, every book page provides users a good browsing experience. This portal has 1,000+ Genres linked with the related books. 10,000+ Tags will also help in browsing exactly similar books. Your feedback will make this portal better in coming years.

Kindly download the attached 'Bulk Import Excel' and share your metadata and cover images in the giver format to this mail id contact@Bookshub.co.in. You can also share the large images of book covers (1,000 px) in jpg format separately, saved by their respective ISBNs.

Last but not the least; we need your kind support and feedback. Authors can share the links of their books from this portal on Social Media and Whatsup. Buyers can check the offerings from our Price Table and purchase the books at best discounts! Publishers can link a book's buy now button to this portal's book page and can show the availability and pricing on all Indian online bookstores

One Link—All Bookstores

Download Bulk Import Excel