Book prescribes a -7- step model christened as “Anand Model” for living a great, joyful, contended and meaningful life. Anand model is consisting of -7- steps starting from facilitating you to reflect on what you want in life , what should be your purpose of life , your core values , assessing your current life quality score , and -30- strategies to achieve 90 % quality life score . Heart of book is compilation of more than 100 positive thoughts/ Affirmations/Empowering Beliefs / Thoughts conveying gratitude which one can read daily / weekly to provide nutritious food to mind . The single most important determinant of quality of life is quality of our thoughts. Our thoughts create our reality . So if we feed positive thoughts/ affirmations/ empowering beliefs in our subconscious mind daily , outcome in life in every area will be enriching . Do you have fire inside you to live extraordinary life? If so, go ahead and read, learn, understand and imbibe “Anand Model “along with collection of some great insights in key areas of life.