Jai Sriman Narayana Sriman Narayana left Srivaikunta, his divine abode and came to stay in bhuloka, as speaking diety, in this kali yuga, to bless his devotees at Srirangam in the biggest functioning temple complex in the world. There are interesting stories behind how this happened and why Sriman Narayana came to reside in Srirangam. These details are found in Itihasas like Ramanyana, Puranas like Garuda, Padhma, Brummanda and Bhagavatha Purana as well as separate texts like Sriranga Kshetra Mahathmyam, Sriranga Brumma Vidya. This book is a humble attempt at gathering and presenting the stories from the above authentic sources, adhering to the ways as told by our ancestors, but in simple terms that today's reader will understand. All the stories found in this book are backed by authentic sources in Ithihasas, Puranas.