Step into the intriguing world of Dev Mittal, a renowned and accomplished film producer, and Sia Mishra, a sweet and innocent school teacher.
He is Dominating and Arrogant ; She is simple and innocent
He wants a trophy wife; She wants loving and caring husband
He thinks marriage is deal; She believes in sanctity of marriage
Dev Mittal exudes dominance and arrogance, seeking nothing less than a trophy wife to elevate his status. On the other hand, Sia longs for a partner who will shower her with love and care, desiring a genuinely affectionate husband. Dev sees marriage as a deal, Sia firmly believes in the sanctity of the marriage.
As fate intertwines their paths, Sia becomes Dev's substitute wife. Will Sia's simplicity and innocence manage to touch Dev's heart? Can Sia's unwavering belief in the sanctity of marriage penetrate Dev's perception?
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