Gabriel Catren is a philosopher and a physicist working at the Institut SPHERE Science, Philosophie, Histoire (Universití© Paris Diderot CNRS, Paris). The great poets and thinkers of modernity described a situation we still inhabit today: the catastrophic undermining of all foundations, the disorienting relativization of all reference points, the prospect of abandonment to chance and contingency alone the shipwreck of Mallarmí©'s Coup de dí©s. In this precise and poetic work of philosophy, Gabriel Catren sketches out a newphenoumenodelic solution to this momentous ungrounding, defiantly refusing both unrestrained contingency and arbitrary refoundation. Mobilizing a formidable knowledge of the major currents of modern thought, deftly articulating Kantian transcendentalism and Spinozan immanentism, phenomenological reduction and scientific realism, Catren argues that the projects oriented by the infinite ideas of reason (Truth, Beauty, Justice, Love) need not be abandoned in the face of theexquisite crisis of modernity. Instead, theshipwreck is to be understood as a suspension of finite subjectivity in the fullness of aphenoumenodelic pleroma, An atonal milieu ringing with unheard-of possibilities. Announcing an ambitious program for the renewal of transcendental philosophy, in Pleromatica Catren recomposes the primary elements of modern thought into a startling new configuration, introducing a vivid constellation of new concepts with which to map out and navigate the vast space of thisworldless daydream.