About the Book: 5 Steps to Control High Blood Sugar: IsHigh Blood Sugar Affecting Your Life? Diabetes or high blood sugar is a disease that occurs if thereis a disorder in certain body functions that utilize carbohydrates,fats and proteins in the food to produce energy. Diabetes is achronic disease, which can be managed but not cured. About half ofthe populations do not know they are diabetic. A fast-pacedstressful lifestyle, improper nutrition and inadequate exerciseresults in the development of diabetes early in life. A handy introduction to diabetes, this book discusses theproblems associated with the diseases and how to prevent it fromaffecting your lifestyle. About The Author: Anjali Arora Dr. Anjali Arora did her M.D from Lady Hardinge Medical College& S K Hospital, New Delhi. Interested in lipids and preventivecardiology, she joined the Escorts Heart Institute and ResearchCentre, New Delhi, in 1993 as a consultant. She started and thenmanaged the Hyperlipidaemia Prevention Clinic there for nearly 7years. Currently she is working at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital as aconsultant in the Department of Cardiology. Interested inpreventive medicine, with a special focus on lifestyle diseases,she continues to manage the Hyperlipidaemia and AtherosclerosisPrevention Clinic in the hospital. Member of a number ofassociations, she is also an active faculty member of the SouthAsian Society on Atherosclerosis and Thrombosis (established inMinnesota, U S A)