The title of this book, Trails of Thought, was selected to indicate the similarity between the experiences of a hiker and those of a thinker. As my thoughts navigate through the thickets of biases, assumptions, preconceptions, traditions and customs, faith and doubt, love and hate, compassion and callousness, they often paint pictures in the form of words the outcome of which can be quite astonishing and unanticipated.
Our minds are like a vast landscape of mountains and valleys, oceans and deserts, forests and plain land., shaping the topography of our very being. As hikers follow trails through a dense forest or a craggy mountain, our thoughts guide us through the depths, twists and turns of our minds, thus helping us discover the nadirs of our consciousness and the mysteries of life in and around us. Each thought–however weird, is a stepping stone in pinning down the
imaginations in our minds-resulting in discovering hidden treasures and unlocking the mysteries that lie within, resulting in an exquisite and exhilarating worldview. Each thought being unique – is oft influenced by our experiences and tacit knowledge, deepening our understanding of ourselves and the world around us.