The present book “Mr. Blue Sky and the White Dove” is an anthology of poems by Dr.Goken Geyi. The book is written in a very simple language. Therefore all the poems are easy to understand. This book is the third poetry collection by Dr Goken Geyi. The book has taken almost three years to get a shape in the form of a book. Some poems were written in Geku, Upper Siang District, Arunachal Pradesh where the author was serving in the Government Model College, Geku. And some of the poems were written in Tezu where she is at present serving in the Indira Gandhi Government College, Tezu. Through the poems in this book the reader would feel the beauty of blue sky, trees, plants, fireflies, birds, moon, butterflies and some deep human emotions that will make the readers realise that we all are connected. Most of the poems are inspired by nature so the poems will make the reader realise that once you fall in love with the beauty of the nature you will feel close to the creator who creates these beautiful things for us. And some of the poems are written by the poet just to capture an emotional moment that gave her sudden intense thoughts that she can’t explain to everyone. Therefore, the readers would be reliving those moments with the author.