This book is one possessing many uniqueness. It’s approach with progressive thoughts, social life style and politics dominated by individuals, in a positive and negative way, should be pointed out for the attention of the readers of this valuable book. This literary presentation is an outcome of the labour with much pain and strain. This will be a feast for, who undertake, Intertextuality (இ்னுவலியம்) Research. It is the duty of all kinds of men, women and youth of the world to welcome this venture and get benefitted. – Prof. P. MarudanayagamThe author is well versed in the Thirukkural of Thiruvalluvar and has spent almost her entire life and career on propagating the ideals of Thiruvalluvar. She, therefore, is not only well qualified, but also well suited to use the same style and design. She vividly blends contemporary requirements to traditional motifs to offer perennial solutions. – Dr. Sudha Seshayyan, Vice Chairperson, Central Institute of Classical Tamil (CICT)