Rajesh Khanna - The Most Versatile Superstar Actor of Hindi Cinema describes the Super Stardom accorded by the public to Rajesh Khanna, solely due to the variety of roles done by him with dedication, in spite of a strong lobby in the Industry which tried to degrade his films and his performance for one reason or other. This book not only throws light on his versatility but also gives brief story line of all his films, and mentions the 74 Golden Jubilee hits, 24 silver jubilee hits, 6 average hits. The details presented in the book will induce the readers to search for these films in all available medias. All the happenings in his life from 1942 to 2012 has been covered.
Why he was the Most Versatile Superstar of Hindi Cinema
Why he was the Most Underrated Actor in Hindi Cinema
Why he was the First Pan India Superstar of Indian Cinema
Enlists the records made by him and awards won by him in detail
Breaks all the mis-conceptions on Khanna's career and personal life