Who killed Rajiv Gandhi? Why? How? An infamous murder. It was 10: 20 PM on 21 may. The year was 1991. A woman bowed respectfully. Her arm reached out to touch his feet. Suddenly there was an explosion. The deafening sound, the clouds of smoke, the shattered bodies, the blood and gore. Who put together the pieces? Who saw through the foul play? Follow the trail. Follow the trial. Follow the story to know the truth. This book unfolds the gripping story – at once fascinating and grim – of perhaps the first case of assassination of a world-class leader by a human bomb. There was a general demand for explanation and action. The totally blind case with enormous ramifications needed skilled, dexterous and professional investigation. d R. Kaarthikeyan was called upon by the government of India to unravel the mystery. This assassination profoundly influenced political developments in India and altered the course of contemporary history in India and Sri Lanka.