Aligarh Muslim University was ranked fourth (4th) among Government Universities (General) in India in the rankings released for 2021 by the prestigious “India Today” magazine. Students who are going to appear for the Entrance Exam Preparationin 2023 should know what types of questions are generally asked in AMU. “AMU ENGINEERING ENTRANCE EXAM” has come up with an updated edition to provide educational assistance to aspirants preparing for the AMU engineering entrance exam. As the title refers, it includes the last 18 years of solved papers of previous years’ questions from 2005-2022 with authentic, analytical, and augmented Solutions. Based on the latest exam pattern, it serves as a performance- driven practice tool to clear all the doubts, fears, and confusion about questions related to the exam. This book is best to practice & learn and give a stellar performance in the exam. 1. A comprehensive book that serves as a performance drive tool 2. Includes 18 years of solved papers with authentic solutions TABLE OF CONTENT: Solved Papers (2022-2005)