This combo set consists of:
Handbook Physics
Handbook Chemistry
Handbook Mathematics
The present combo is crafted with the Arihant handbook series, which is a unique multipurpose Revision book series, developed to facilitate quick and powerpack revision of various Key Notes, Terms, Definitions, & Flowcharts. Each book of this series is equally useful for revisions before board exams and all relevant competitions like NEET, NDA, CDS, UPSC, etc. The latest revised editions of this series are now even more powerful with Fantastic 4 feature containing; Value Points, Competition Insight, Knowledge Booster, and Knowledge Library. Other unique features of these books are:
Divided into Chapterwise manner
Contains key notes, terms, definitions, and Formulae for each concept
For quick revision, provides fantastic 4:
Value Points: Assorted pointers with enhanced importance for more impactful revision
Competition Insight: Most valuable competition related concepts segregated to create more focus
Knowledge Booster: Concept enhancers to elevate knowledge sphere outline
Knowledge Library: Unique compendium of indispensable facts excluded from Rationalised NCERT
Appendices is given at the end of the book
India’s No.1 quick revision aid for students
Helps in multipurpose quick revision of the concepts
Highly useful for XI-XII, Eng., & Other Competitions