This is a sequel to his book`TIME TO IMAGINE`. In both these books,
the author provides his own understanding of various subjects in diverse
fields. In `WINDMILLS TO IMAGINE 'the author ventures into the
horrendous geopolitics of the world, and where our human civilization is
heading into. He imagines a conference between some great scientists,
and philosophers of the past (Revised versions of course) as well as
some World Leaders of the present (also revised versions). Yes indeed,
an imaginary conference - as if held in a parallel universe - to try and
resolve the conflicts and wars on the planet and bring about some
semblance of peace, if possible. In the process, he explains how we are
living in a false world, and why it is necessary to understand and realize
what is the truth, and how to handle the truth with a `Soft approach` as
nicely explained in the book.