Why do certain individuals succeed in some companies and yet fail in others? Why do some really good ideas get rejected straight away by the executives? But the very same ideas get celebrated when they are brought up by some other individuals. Have you wondered how individuals who lack technical and business competence manage to grab coveted positions? Are organisations restricting their growth by losing touch with the people on ground? Do certifications and awards matter? Is honesty still the best policy? What is corporate politics? How to understand? Should you play, participate, or circumvent it? This book is for professionals working in various organisations who want to grow. It is as much needed for the leadership team and executives. It is of profound use to those students who have not yet experienced the corporate world but are shortly going to join the bandwagon. And then, it is for those who love to know how things happen in the corporate world. 'Self-help, reference material, or an interesting read. There is something in it for all''