Sri Ramakrishna is regarded by spiritual aspirants all over the world as the greatest example of devotional path (Bhakti Marga) towards Self-Realization/God-Realization, and Sri Ramana Maharshi is considered as the best example of Knowledge path (Jnana Marga). But such a categorization is too limited and is only surface deep. If one studies carefully the lives and teachings of these great incarnations of divinity, one is bound to accept that each was perfect in Jnana as well as in Bhakti, in Reason as well as in Faith, and in Inner realizations as well as in Outer expressions. A Self-Realized seer is known as Paramahamsa (Great Swan) in Sanskrit - one who can separate milk (God/Self) from water (non-self/world). The book explores the similarities between the life and teachings of these two great swans through various aspects of spiritual life.