Now, the flavour of Shri Nisargadatta Maharaj’s morning talks
Colleen Engel from the US, an ardent disciple of Shri Nisargadatta Maharaj, would mostly attend Maharaj’s talks during the morning session. And most of the times when she attended the satsang at Maharaj’s place she would bring along a tape recorder and record the talks. Now, during the discussion session at Maharaj’s place, everything was translated – both the questions and the answers. If the question was asked in English it would be translated into Marathi for Maharaj and then Maharaj’s answer in Marathi would again be translated into English.
Back home in America, Colleen resolved to listen very attentively to the tapes of Maharaj’s conversations as a meditation. At some point she decided to meticulously transcribe the questions asked in English and the English translation of Maharaj’s replies. Hence, these are transcripts of the actual conversations as they had happened in real time.
When Dr Vanaja Narayanaswami, one of Maharaj’s closest disciples, met Colleen Engel during a trip to the US, Colleen handed over these typed transcripts to her. These are the notes which have now been published as Sit Quietly & Listen.
So here is Maharaj in full flow in the period 1979-80… robust and engaging, compassionate and patient yet occasionally exasperated with ‘learned’ seekers stubbornly refusing to let go of misconceptions. Also, here is Maharaj hammering away, day after day, at the phantom ‘I-am-the body’ identity one had assumed for oneself.