In the relaxed, slow-moving town of Tilakwadi, Belgaum, three lives are intricately woven together by the most enigmatic force of all- silence. 'The Labyrinth of Silence', follows the captivating journey of three people. Girish, the contemplative architect haunted by the ghosts of his past. Muki, a vibrant but mute girl, seeking solace amidst life's chaos. Kashi, who falls into Girish’s lap as his daughter, only to discover otherwise
. As Belgaum, the city thriving on the borders of Karnataka and Maharashtra, finds itself ensnared in a socio-political turmoil of the late 90s, the three characters grapple with their personal demons. Girish discovers a new realm of creativity within his quietude, unearthing emotions he had long since buried. Muki, once engulfed in the cacophony of the world, finds herself drawn to the tranquillity that silence offers, whereas Kashi embarks on a journey of self-discovery and truth.
Through the lives of Girish, Muki, and Kashi, this book serves as a wonderful reminder that sometimes, the most meaningful conversations are the ones that are never spoken.