The social psychology of Transactional Analysis (TA), whose foundations were laid by Dr. Eric Berne in the USA in the 1950s and 1960s, now covers a wide-ranging set of theories about the human personality. Widely recognised as a landmark intellectual achievement, Transactional Analysis is used effectively by practitioners in various fields of application worldwide, such as psychotherapy, counselling, organisational development and education. With a spiritual dimension that continues to be explored by practitioners and researchers, it can also be a powerful means of self-development and personal growth. Take Charge of Your Life intertwines this concept with the 3,000-year-old Indian philosophy of Vedanta, a worldview that refines our understanding of the composite human personality—body, mind and soul—and its functioning. In this synthesis of philosophy, psychology, science, myth and fable, the book demonstrates how Vedanta's subtle wisdom not only enhances Transactional Analysis and modern science but also offers a guide for a happy and fulfilling life. It will serve as an ideal resource for students of psychology and philosophy, as well as general readers.