SSC MTS TCS Pattern Practice Work Book Based on 90 Questions Pattern Including Solved Papers Sep 2023 (English Medium) (4808) Content: Important Information : SSC Multi Tasking (Non Technical) Staff and Havaldar (CBIC & CBN) Examination , 2023 25 Model Practice Sets Session-I Part-I : Numerical and Mathematical Ability Part-II : Reasoning Ability and Problem Solving Session-II Part-I : General Awareness Part-II : English Language and Comprehension Solved Papers Set-26 SSC MTS Exam, 02/05/2023 (Shift-I) Set-27 SSC MTS Exam, 10/05/2023 (Shift-I) Set-28 SSC MTS Exam, 19/05/2023 (Shift-I) Set-29 SSC MTS Exam, 13/06/2023 (Shift-I) Set-30 SSC MTS Exam, 20/06/2023 (Shift-I) Set-31 SSC MTS Exam, 01/09/2023 (Shift-I) Set-32 SSC MTS Exam, 08/09/2023 (Shift-I) Set-33 SSC MTS Exam, 17/09/2023 (Shift-I) Subject Numerical and Mathematical Ability Reasoning Ability and Problem Solving General Awareness English Language and Comprehension