It is now more than 48 years since the First Edition of “Elements of Applied Mechanics” by Principal S. B. Junnarkar was published in 1955, which is now running in its 19th, Enlarged and completely updated edition by Dr. H. J. Shah containing 776 pages. During this period, it has been accepted as the most standard and highly acclaimed textbook, which is widely used by a large group of students of Engineering of all branches reading for Engineering Degree Examinations of almost all the Indian Universities, as well as for Diploma Examinations conducted by various Boards of Technical Examinations, and also by the candidates reading for A.M.I.E., U.P.S.C. and GATE examinations, etc. On numerous requests from the students learning for this subject from various Engineering Institutions requesting us to publish “Worked Examples of Applied Mechanics”, and therefore this book is prepared containing 651 solutions of the examples given at the end of 38 chapters from the textbook “Applied Mechanics” with 480 Neat and self-explanatory drawings. Each chapter begins with summery, which gives an overview the entire topic and therefore the book becomes independent. The students using this book in reference with the “Applied Mechanics” textbook will be able to cover their syllabus thoroughly and need not to refer now any other Guide book of this subject, and would find this book extremely useful to deepen their knowledge and get success in their examination of this Engineering Subject.