This book covers the basic principles of thermodynamics while presenting a wealth of real-world engineering examples so students get a feel for how thermodynamics is applied in engineering practice. The authors explore the various facets of thermodynamics through careful explanations of concepts and its use of numerous practical examples and figures, havingstudents develop necessary skills to bridge the gap between knowledge and the confidence to properly apply knowledge.Salient Features:-An early introduction to the First Law of Thermodynamics to set the framework of establishing a general understanding of variousforms of energy, mechanisms of energy transfer, the concept of energy balance, thermo-economics, energy conversion, andconversion efficiency using familiar settings that involve mostly electrical and mechanical forms of energy.- A distinctive feature of this book is it's emphasis on the physical aspects of the subject matter in addition to mathematical representations and manipulations.- Frequently, parallels are drawn between the subject matter and students’ everyday experiences so that they can relate the subject matter to what they already know. Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION AND BASIC CONCEPTS 1Chapter 2 ENERGY, ENERGY TRANSFER, AND GENERAL ENERGY ANALYSIS 51Chapter 3 PROPERTIES OF PURE SUBSTANCES 111Chapter 4 ENERGY ANALYSIS OF CLOSED SYSTEMS 163Chapter 5 MASS AND ENERGY ANALYSIS OF CONTROL VOLUMES 213Chapter 6 THE SECOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS 275Chapter 7 ENTROPYChapter 8 EXERGYChapter 9 GAS POWER CYCLESChapter 10 VAPOR AND COMBINED POWER CYCLESChapter 11 REFRIGER... See more
This book covers the basic principles of thermodynamics while presenting a wealth of real-world engineering examples so students get a feel for how thermodynamics is applied in engineering practice. The authors explore the various facets of thermodynamics through careful explanations of concepts and its use of numerous practical examples and figures, havingstudents develop necessary skills to bridge the gap between knowledge and the confidence to properly apply knowledge.Salient Features:-An early introduction to the First Law of Thermodynamics to set the framework of establishing a general understanding of variousforms of energy, mechanisms of energy transfer, the concept of energy balance, thermo-economics, energy conversion, andconversion efficiency using familiar settings that involve mostly electrical and mechanical forms of energy.- A distinctive feature of this book is it's emphasis on the physical aspects of the subject matter in addition to mathematical representations and manipulations.- Frequently, parallels are drawn between the subject matter and students’ everyday experiences so that they can relate the subject matter to what they already know. Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION AND BASIC CONCEPTS 1Chapter 2 ENERGY, ENERGY TRANSFER, AND GENERAL ENERGY ANALYSIS 51Chapter 3 PROPERTIES OF PURE SUBSTANCES 111Chapter 4 ENERGY ANALYSIS OF CLOSED SYSTEMS 163Chapter 5 MASS AND ENERGY ANALYSIS OF CONTROL VOLUMES 213Chapter 6 THE SECOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS 275Chapter 7 ENTROPYChapter 8 EXERGYChapter 9 GAS POWER CYCLESChapter 10 VAPOR AND COMBINED POWER CYCLESChapter 11 REFRIGERATION CYCLESChapter 12 THERMODYNAMIC PROPERTY RELATIONSChapter 13 GAS MIXTURESChapter 14 GAS–VAPOR MIXTURES AND AIR-CONDITIONINGChapter 15 CHEMICAL REACTIONSChapter 16 CHEMICAL AND PHASE EQUILIBRIUMChapter 17 COMPRESSIBLE FLOWChapter 18 (web Chapter) RENEWABLE ENERGYAppendix PROPERTY TABLES AND CHARTS