This 33rd edition explains the general principles of the subject of Town Planning in the branch of civil engineering and architecture. The subject matter is expressed in a simple language and practical manner. The treatment is clear, methodical as well as interesting and easy to follow. The outline of the book is: Chapter 1 deals with Introduction to Town Planning which includes the topics such as objects, principles, necessity of town planning and many more. Chapter 2 – “Town Planning in India (Ancient to Modern Times)” is given with detail description. The topic of “Planning of the Modern Town” is carved nicely. Many different aspects of town development are discussed. Chapter 3 – “Smart City” is a new concept. It discusses the topics on meaning of the terms; elements or components of smart city; planning and policy framework of smart city; smart city index; India’s vision for smart cities, smart city projects of the world, etc. Chapter 4 – “Re-planning Existing Towns” have been discussed in detail, how an existing town can be converted to a smart city by implementing modern technology for solving major issues like, transport, parking, pollution, waste management, traffic problems, etc. Chapter 5 – “Town Planning and Survey Methods”, includes the topics of drone survey method; total station survey method and Geographic Information System (G.I.S.). Chapter 6 – “Town Planning Scheme (DP-TP mechanism) focus on DP-TP mechanism”; land pooling or land readjustment (LP/LR). These new topics are absolute requirements of present day town plannin... See more
This 33rd edition explains the general principles of the subject of Town Planning in the branch of civil engineering and architecture. The subject matter is expressed in a simple language and practical manner. The treatment is clear, methodical as well as interesting and easy to follow. The outline of the book is: Chapter 1 deals with Introduction to Town Planning which includes the topics such as objects, principles, necessity of town planning and many more. Chapter 2 – “Town Planning in India (Ancient to Modern Times)” is given with detail description. The topic of “Planning of the Modern Town” is carved nicely. Many different aspects of town development are discussed. Chapter 3 – “Smart City” is a new concept. It discusses the topics on meaning of the terms; elements or components of smart city; planning and policy framework of smart city; smart city index; India’s vision for smart cities, smart city projects of the world, etc. Chapter 4 – “Re-planning Existing Towns” have been discussed in detail, how an existing town can be converted to a smart city by implementing modern technology for solving major issues like, transport, parking, pollution, waste management, traffic problems, etc. Chapter 5 – “Town Planning and Survey Methods”, includes the topics of drone survey method; total station survey method and Geographic Information System (G.I.S.). Chapter 6 – “Town Planning Scheme (DP-TP mechanism) focus on DP-TP mechanism”; land pooling or land readjustment (LP/LR). These new topics are absolute requirements of present day town planning projects. Chapter 7 – “Development Plan or Master Plan” giving latest information, rules and regulations provided in Gujarat Town Planning and Urban Development Act, 1976 (GTPUD, 1976). Chapter 8 – “Building Bye-laws” highlights the general bye-laws applied by the local authorities of the towns or cities. Chapters 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 – Zoning; Housing; Public Buildings; Industries; Slums; Parks and Playgrounds respectively discuss about basic concepts of town planning. Chapters 15 and 16 – “Urban Roads” and “Traffic Management” respectively, are thoroughly revised according to latest I.R.C. code. The book now in its 16 chapters, it contains: * 150 Self-explanatory neat diagrams * 18 Useful tables and * 306 Questions at the end of the chapters. The book should prove to be extremely useful to the Civil Engineering and Architecture students preparing for the Degree Examinations of all the Indian Universities, Diploma Examinations conducted by various Boards of Technical Education, Certificate Courses as well as for the A.M.I.E., U.P.S.C., G.A.T.E., I.E.S. and other similar competitive and professional examinations. It should also prove of interest to the practising professionals.