Everything you need to understand the philosophy, practice, and robust implementation of the perfect society-daiva-varṇāśrama- is contained in this new, thoroughly researched book by Dayānanda dāsa (ACBSP). The Perfect Society is destined to become the definitive treatise on varṇāśrama-dharma.
Varṇāśrama is based on rural communities but encompasses much more; it involves changing society so that everyone's work-whatever it may be-is connected directly or indirectly to bhakti.
Modern society is in chaos and must be changed. Varṇāśrama-dharma creates a peaceful, organized society, and those who understand it must lead the way.
Kṛṣṇa asserts that those in asuric society do not know what to do to achieve liberation. And He declares that staunchly following varṇāśrama-dharma connected to bhakti awards supreme liberation.
Krishna established varṇāśrama, and He describes how it functions.
Implementing daiva-varṇāśrama-dharma is the way to organize society so that people work responsibly to achieve liberation and bhakti-and a perfect society.
Without varṇāśrama, most of society will be denied the opportunity to achieve a connection to bhakti or devotional service to Kṛṣṇa.
At present, Kṛṣṇa-prema is only available to those who are directly attracted to bhakti. But Śrī Caitanya wanted to flood the world with prema. The solution to this problem that Śrīla Prabhupāda has provided is to organize society according to daiva-varṇāśrama-dharma.
It is for everyone.
[The above is based on Śrīmad Bhāgavata... See more
Everything you need to understand the philosophy, practice, and robust implementation of the perfect society-daiva-varṇāśrama- is contained in this new, thoroughly researched book by Dayānanda dāsa (ACBSP). The Perfect Society is destined to become the definitive treatise on varṇāśrama-dharma.
Varṇāśrama is based on rural communities but encompasses much more; it involves changing society so that everyone's work-whatever it may be-is connected directly or indirectly to bhakti.
Modern society is in chaos and must be changed. Varṇāśrama-dharma creates a peaceful, organized society, and those who understand it must lead the way.
Kṛṣṇa asserts that those in asuric society do not know what to do to achieve liberation. And He declares that staunchly following varṇāśrama-dharma connected to bhakti awards supreme liberation.
Krishna established varṇāśrama, and He describes how it functions.
Implementing daiva-varṇāśrama-dharma is the way to organize society so that people work responsibly to achieve liberation and bhakti-and a perfect society.
Without varṇāśrama, most of society will be denied the opportunity to achieve a connection to bhakti or devotional service to Kṛṣṇa.
At present, Kṛṣṇa-prema is only available to those who are directly attracted to bhakti. But Śrī Caitanya wanted to flood the world with prema. The solution to this problem that Śrīla Prabhupāda has provided is to organize society according to daiva-varṇāśrama-dharma.
It is for everyone.
[The above is based on Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 11.18.46-47, Bhagavad-gītā 16.7, 4.13, 18.41-60, and Śrīla Prabhupāda's conversation, Feb 14, 1977: Varṇāśrama-dharma is para-upakāra-for mass benefit-not just for brāhmaṇas as ISKCON currently is.]
"This is an important, well-researched, and deeply thoughtful book for the ISKCON society about the next phase in the dissemination of the sankīrtana movement-varṇāśrama. Dayānanda solves the puzzle of how to implement varṇāśrama by citing Śrīla Prabhupāda, who clearly explains how to do so." -Rūpa Vilāsa dāsa, author,
Nāmāchārya, Bābājī Māharāja, and Without Fear
"Varṇāśrama-dharma is a foundational principle in the teachings of the acharyas, the grand masters of bhakti. The Perfect Society captures its essence with clarity and depth." -Mādhava Puri dāsa, senior counselor, ISKCON Malmö, Sweden