If you have a trading method but you can’t stick to it, or you are struggling to be profitable, or your psychology seems to be getting in the way of your trading success (like over-thinking or making incorrect decisions), this book can give you some insights and tips to overcome these challenges. Also, Sachin Bhatia’s Breaker Candle Technique discussed in this book, can help you completely change your trading strategies, which will eventually help you make money consistently. The Breaker Candle Technique will help you get a better and clearer picture of the market, enabling you to make better trading decisions without messing up your trading screen. There is always a time gap between price action and the outcome of an indicator. Indicators always lag the actual price action. Thus, we recommend every trader and investor to learn the Breaker Candle Technique. With the help of this technique, you will be able to identify the high and low points of any trend. This will help you maximize your profits and minimize your losses. This technique will save you from traps laid by big players for retail traders, and protect you from false trends and breakouts.