Virat, a young data science professional, struggles with his Hindu identity, feeling defensive about the religion he was born into. His views stem from several legitimate yet unanswered questions in his mind: 1. Why do we have so many Gods? 2. How can one believe in stories like an elephant’s head getting fixed to a human body (as in Lord Ganesha) or a man having ten heads (as in Ravana)? 3. Why do we keep chanting shlokas, the meaning of which we do not understand? 4. Does Hinduism not promote discrimination between people based on the caste they are born into? 5. Are our Gods corrupt? We offer them a coconut and expect them to grant us our wish in return! 6. How can Hindu philosophy help us in our quest for success and happiness? Is it really relevant to our lives?Virat’s sister, Varsha, is not as negatively oriented towards Hinduism. That said, Varsha, too, does not see its relevance in her life. Their parents, Rajan and Priya, grapple with their family's fading connection to Hinduism. Concerned that their children feel alienated from their cultural roots, they seek to set it right.This sparks a series of honest and passionate discussions. Where do these conversations lead? Can two generations come together through an intense discussion on spirituality and religion, or will they drift apart?