Contrary to popular belief of being a fable collection for children, the Indian epic Panchtantra, authored by Shri Vishnu Sharma, was indeed crafted to prepare simplest of persons to handle largest of the organisations, which were the Kingdoms in ancient times. However, the commonly available literature on Panchtantra seems to endorse that it is meant to impart moral teachings to the preschoolers. Thus, this and the upcoming books in Strategy, Leadership, Management with Panchtantra series will make a humble attempt to bring out the relevant lessons of Panchtantra which are immensely valuable for present and aspiring leaders. These lessons will make the epic stand out in an utterly new light.In this book, we shall be going over the first part of the epic i.e. Mitrabheda, which deals with navigating the organisational politics. We will move along the fascinating tale of Pinglak, Sanjeevak, Damanak and Karatak, intermingled with many other enchanting stories while trying to gain invaluable insights for leaders.