"This is one of the most important books I’ve read, period. It’s short, articulate, and expansive on a singular subject matter — ergodicity, which is really the key ingredient to success in life, marriage, business, family, happiness, health, etc." – Blake Janover, Janover Inc. CEO
"To not spend time and money on books that you should not waste resources on, please first read this book. This is a great book for those who quickly want to familiarize themselves with the concept of ergodicity. The author goes to great lengths to explain the concept in easily understandable terms. He also offers several practical implications for navigating non-ergodic environments. Highly recommended!" – Auke Hunneman
The book has been featured on the EconTalk podcast
"The Most Important Property to Understand in Probability, in Life, in Anything." – Nassim Nicholas Taleb on ergodicity.
"I think the most underrated idea is ergodicity." – David Perell, author.
Ergodicity is an essential idea with so many practical applications. Sadly, most books describe it in a very technical way, making it inaccessible to most people.
n this short book, 10-times author Luca Dellanna describes ergodicity as simply as possible. You will read stories about how not knowing about it destroyed his cousin’s career as a skier, or how misunderstanding it caused additional deaths during the pandemic. You will learn how to spot situations where ergodicity matters and the three strategies to react appropriately