This book aims at integrating theory with practice?supported by the latest research findings in the field with a view to make the subject very relevant and exciting to aspiring managers. The insights from corporate world have been incorporated at appropriate places to facilitate easy understanding of the subject. Every attempt has been made to present the contents in a simple, lucid and easily understandable style. It provides a comprehensive coverage to a vast, growing discipline?well supported by cases, incidents and examples from the corporate world. Numerous examples, skill building activities, and objective type questions have been used in this book to clear the fog surrounding many topics. This book is primarily meant for the students pursuing advanced courses in Human Resource Management such as MBA, PGDBA, MCom and also for the Civil Services. New to this Edition: HRM and Competitive Advantage; HR's Evolving Role in 21st Century; Globalisation, Mergers/Acquisitions, Downsizing and HR; Outsourcing and Offshoring ; Diversity Management; Work-life Balance; e-HRM, e-Recruitment, e- Selection, e- Training ; Employer Branding ; Quality hiring as a source of Competitive Advantage; HRD and the LPG Era; Performance Appraisal for Teams; Computerized Performance Appraisals; Pay for Performance Systems; Social Security Measures in India; Industrial Accidents: Current Scenario; Managing Difficult Employee; Empowering Employees; Best places to work in India and USA; Insubordination, Workplace Bullying and Sexual Harassment ; Current Trends in Collective Bargaining and Trade Union... See more
This book aims at integrating theory with practice?supported by the latest research findings in the field with a view to make the subject very relevant and exciting to aspiring managers. The insights from corporate world have been incorporated at appropriate places to facilitate easy understanding of the subject. Every attempt has been made to present the contents in a simple, lucid and easily understandable style. It provides a comprehensive coverage to a vast, growing discipline?well supported by cases, incidents and examples from the corporate world. Numerous examples, skill building activities, and objective type questions have been used in this book to clear the fog surrounding many topics. This book is primarily meant for the students pursuing advanced courses in Human Resource Management such as MBA, PGDBA, MCom and also for the Civil Services. New to this Edition: HRM and Competitive Advantage; HR's Evolving Role in 21st Century; Globalisation, Mergers/Acquisitions, Downsizing and HR; Outsourcing and Offshoring ; Diversity Management; Work-life Balance; e-HRM, e-Recruitment, e- Selection, e- Training ; Employer Branding ; Quality hiring as a source of Competitive Advantage; HRD and the LPG Era; Performance Appraisal for Teams; Computerized Performance Appraisals; Pay for Performance Systems; Social Security Measures in India; Industrial Accidents: Current Scenario; Managing Difficult Employee; Empowering Employees; Best places to work in India and USA; Insubordination, Workplace Bullying and Sexual Harassment ; Current Trends in Collective Bargaining and Trade Unionism; Industrial Relations Scenario in India; Coaching and Mentoring; Negotiation, Motivation and Leadership across Cultures; New Cases, real life examples from corporate world in India