I am a postgraduate in English. After darting in and out of various jobs - working as a salesman, a shopkeeper, a bus conductor, a farmer, etc. - I ended up as an English teacher. I decided to take a sabbatical to write, after teaching for about five years in various schools and colleges.
I am an agnostic. I love life. Literature and cinema are the two constant loves of my meandering life. Since my adolescence, I had a single dream - to write something of lasting value. All my conscious life, I had been jotting down the events and the ideas - to be shaped into stories. I had enough substance to fill a dozen books, but I lacked the spirit to take the plunge. One fine day, I felt (my epiphany moment!) that if I didn't write anymore, I'd live an unhappy man. And so I took the plunge and the result is this picaresque novel - titled The Confessions of a Holy Cuckold Maker. The beauty of this work is that it's not perfect. While writing this book, I discovered that I am happy only when I write. At present, I am writing my second novel which is a tragedy anchored in a small town.
I've lived across India - in mad metros, chaotic cities, tired towns, and virgin villages.