The Value of Now is an emotional and heartwarming tale that captures the beauty and challenges of youth, love, and the fleeting moments that define our lives. Set in the vibrant world of Jane College, the story revolves around Aarav, a witty yet clumsy dreamer, and Riya, a sharp, confident achiever. Their first meeting over spilled coffee and sarcastic banter sets the stage for an unforgettable journey. As their friendship grows amidst the chaos of college life, late-night study sessions, and unexpected pranks, Aarav and Riya find themselves drawn to one another in ways neither of them could have imagined. The story takes readers on a rollercoaster ride of emotions—from the laughter of shared moments to the chaos of group adventures. However, life takes a dramatic turn during a trip to Coorg, where an unexpected tragedy challenges the bonds of friendship and love. As Aarav and Riya confront grief, guilt, and the fragility of life, they discover the importance of cherishing the present. "The Value of Now" is not just a love story; it’s a tale of self-discovery, resilience, and the bittersweet nature of growing up. It’s about the friends who become family, the love that shapes us, and the lessons that stay with us forever. For anyone who has ever laughed, loved, or faced loss, this book is a poignant reminder to value every moment and embrace life’s unpredictability. Perfect for readers seeking a story that resonates with humor, depth, and heartfelt emotion.