Why pick up this book on Happiness?
Good question! I've asked myself the same every time I opened one. Most books either oversimplify happiness or drown you in theories, leaving you more puzzled than content!
Even as a student of the Bhagavad Gita, I realized that while spiritual texts offer profound wisdom, they're often too complex for everyday readers. Similarly, academic research, while insightful, can feel overwhelming.
As a corporate leader mentoring countless individuals, I've noticed a recurring theme: people seek happiness often calling it success - yet it remains elusive. After years of being everyone's unofficial 'Chief Happiness Officer', I figured it was time to pen down a book that's different.
Enter The Happiness Flywheel - a blend of corporate wisdom, distilled research (I've done the heavy lifting, so you don't have to!), and spiritual insights presented in a way that's easy to grasp.
This 7-part framework will help you:
. Discover your Purpose
. Instill lasting happiness Habits
. Avoid Derailers
· Foster meaningful Relationships
· Build Resilience for life's curveballs
· Find Balance
· Live a life of Values
This is your guide to lasting, meaningful Happiness and Success and your path to becoming a Happy Champion.