The Word of God tells us, "A good person leaves an inheritance for their children's children" (Proverbs 13:22). This is not just a call to accumulate material wealth; it is a divine mandate to build a lasting legacy, one that blesses generations long after we are gone. As Christians, we are called to be stewards of all that God has entrusted to us - our time, talents, resources, and influence. We are called to be like the oak tree, rooted deeply in God's promises, reaching upward to His purposes, and extending outward to bless others.
Imagine the humble acorn, a small, seemingly insignificant seed resting on the forest floor. At first glance, it appears fragile, easy to overlook, and without much potential. But within that acorn lies the capacity to grow into a mighty oak tree - a tree that stands tall and firm, with roots that dig deep into the earth and branches that stretch wide into the heavens. An oak tree does not reach its full potential overnight; it takes years, even decades, to mature. It weathers storms, endures harsh winters, and stands strong through the winds of life. Yet, through every trial, it remains steadfast, growing stronger and more deeply rooted with each passing season.