Nuclear physics is the field of physics that studies the building blocks and interactions of atomic nuclei. The most common applications of nuclear physics are nuclear power and nuclear weapons, but the research field is also the basis for a far wider range of applications, including the medical sector (nuclear medicine, magnetic resonance imaging), materials engineering (ion implantation), and archaeology (radiocarbon dating).
Selected Contents: Exclusive Production in Deep Inelastic Scattering at HERA; Study of Hadronic Event Shape in Flavour Tagged Events in e+e- Annihilation at = 197 GeV, Plasma Focus Based Repetitive Source of Fusion Neutrons and Hard X-Rays, The LuminosityRedshift Relation in Brane-Worlds: II. Confrontation with Experimental Data; Radio-Isotope Identification Algorithms for NaI Spectra, Ozone Enhances Diesel Exhaust Particles (DEP)-Induced Interleukin-8 (IL-8) Gene Expression in Human Airway Epithelial Cells through Activation of Nuclear Factors-B (NF-B) and IL-6 (NF-IL6); The Effect of Substituents on Indirect Nuclear Spin-Spin Coupling Constants: Methan-and Ethanimine, Methanal-and Ethanaloxime; Calculated Electronic Behavior and Spectrum of Mg+@C60 Using a Simple Jellium-shell Model; Getting Information on |Ue3|2 from Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay; B Meson Decays; Index