“Lord Jagannath occupies an important place in the cultural and spiritual history of Odisha. He is not confined to the parochialism of any particular community, religion, sect or doctrine. All isms and doctrines like Vaishnavism, Shaivism, Buddhism, Shikhism and Nihilism converge in Him. Jagannath is a pleasant synthesis of all religions and beliefs. He is the non-sectarian and secular symbol of love, unity and integrity. Bishvabasu, the tribal Head , Indradyumna the Arya, Indrabhuti, the Buddhist Guru, Shankaracharya, the shaivaite, Ramanuj, ShriChaitanya, the Shikh Guru, Nanak and the Ganapatyas have seen their titular deities in Jagannath. Sal Baig and Hari Das, the Muslim saints have worshipped Jagannath through their heart-touching supplications. Sri Jagannath is the Lord of the Universe, the apostle of humanism, the cult of universal love, tolerance, equality and fraternity based on cosmopolitan philosophy… The pictorial delineation of the invincible vital power of Odisha is the primary concern in the novel. It has nothing to do with narrow sectarian issues. The struggle described here is not against any religion, sect or enemy of the nation. It is an eternal idealistic war of man against the enemy of man.”