The industrialists have a monopoly on the news channels of the country, if the countrymen have expectations of unbiased news from such channels, then they are in trouble. Even God can not remove their gluttony, print media owners are also under pressure from the government, whose journalists have to ignore whatever they want to see even if they don't want to. It seems that if it goes on like this for a few years, then there will be no journalists who will be happy to print pressnotes of the government's happiness. Can anyone ask a question or interview a BJP leader or minister? The answer would be no. The media has to print and show only what the ruling party ie BJP leader has given the discourse. The same discourse will have to be debated like a cock fight in news channels, no anchor can see the courage to speak against the government, if he lays siege to the spokesperson of the opposition or has created a new creature, which is a supporter or ideologue of such a party. Name is given. The great surprise comes when an anchor called a senior from Delhi is sent to cover the swearing-in ceremony of the government of a state. - Satya Pareek (Author)