Khalistan Struggle: A Non-movement This book was conceived when Jagtar Singh, as a journalistworking with The Indian Express, went to the Darbar Sahib complexas part of the team of journalists from Chandigarh flown to the warzone by the government during Operation Bluestar, the army actionin the Golden Temple complex, at the holiest of the holy shrine ofthe Sikhs at Amritsar. The holy Granth Sahib installed on the firstfloor of the sanctum of the shrine was in disorder covered by ablood soaked white sheet. Placing the holy book in order was atrauma for the author. Jagtar Singh had Joined The Indian Express in 1978 a few daysafter the Sikh-Nirankari clash to which militancy in this state istraced, to be transferred to Amritsar in March the next year. Thisprovided the opportunity to observe the situation virtually as aninsider. Though he returned to chandigarh after two years, theauthor covered almost every major development in Amritsar tillOperation Bluestar. The visits to Amritsar were frequent tillmilitancy petered out. The author was witness to the rise of SantJarnail Singh Bhindranwale with whom the interaction was frequent,most of the times off the record. Such meetings provided the muchneeded deeper insight to the evolving situation. Situation. Thelast one-to-one off the record meeting lasting about an hour withhim was on May 25 when the army had already moved into Punjab forthe decisive action. This book combines both the personal experience during theperiod Jagtar Singh worked with The Indian Express and thedevelopments and their interpretation spanning about 25 year... See more
Khalistan Struggle: A Non-movement This book was conceived when Jagtar Singh, as a journalistworking with The Indian Express, went to the Darbar Sahib complexas part of the team of journalists from Chandigarh flown to the warzone by the government during Operation Bluestar, the army actionin the Golden Temple complex, at the holiest of the holy shrine ofthe Sikhs at Amritsar. The holy Granth Sahib installed on the firstfloor of the sanctum of the shrine was in disorder covered by ablood soaked white sheet. Placing the holy book in order was atrauma for the author. Jagtar Singh had Joined The Indian Express in 1978 a few daysafter the Sikh-Nirankari clash to which militancy in this state istraced, to be transferred to Amritsar in March the next year. Thisprovided the opportunity to observe the situation virtually as aninsider. Though he returned to chandigarh after two years, theauthor covered almost every major development in Amritsar tillOperation Bluestar. The visits to Amritsar were frequent tillmilitancy petered out. The author was witness to the rise of SantJarnail Singh Bhindranwale with whom the interaction was frequent,most of the times off the record. Such meetings provided the muchneeded deeper insight to the evolving situation. Situation. Thelast one-to-one off the record meeting lasting about an hour withhim was on May 25 when the army had already moved into Punjab forthe decisive action. This book combines both the personal experience during theperiod Jagtar Singh worked with The Indian Express and thedevelopments and their interpretation spanning about 25 yearscovering the two extremes in the Sikh political matrix. Some of theresource material relating to the Sikh politics is exclusive,appearing for the first time in this book. Contents Introduction 1. Under Army Occupation 2. Quest for Martyrdom 3. The Build Up 4. At War with India 5. Call for Armed Struggle 6. Media and Akalis 7. Last Meeting with Sant Bhindranwale 8. Courage of Co