COMPLETE SYLLABUS COVERAGEThis IAS study material covers the full syllabus of the Civil Services Exam including - General Studies, Pre, and Mains. These compact & concise notes are exam-centric and cover all important topics that will boost the aspirant’s preparation to the next level.CURATED AND REVIEWED BY TOPPERThese notes are prepared under the guidance of experienced teachers and Abhishek Saraf himself. This IAS study material covers everything that’s needed to crack the Civil Services Exam. Previous Years’ Exam Analysis is done to make it the best study material.BASED ON THE PATTERN OF EXAMINATIONThis study material is completely based on the newest pattern of IAS examination. Aspirants’ don’t need to spend their precious time finding unnecessary supplementary material. The right strategy will speed up their Civil Services Exam preparation. It’s truly a success mantra for aspirants.QR Coded Crisp & Concise NotesThese concise and crisp bullet pointwise notes cover complete syllabus for UPSC prelims as well as mains exam. QR coded notes help you stay updated with the changing dynamics of the latest UPSC exam pattern. Thousands of pages concise into limited no. of pages by structural demarcation of topics up to 5 levels. Flowcharts, Maps and Infographics help you in picturing the content in the easiest way to rememberSET OF 14 BOOKSThis set of 14 books covers the full syllabus (Pre-Mains) including NCERT. These notes are exam-centric based on the latest pattern of examination. Smart preparation of these notes will enhance your chances of success.Indian Admini... See more
COMPLETE SYLLABUS COVERAGEThis IAS study material covers the full syllabus of the Civil Services Exam including - General Studies, Pre, and Mains. These compact & concise notes are exam-centric and cover all important topics that will boost the aspirant’s preparation to the next level.CURATED AND REVIEWED BY TOPPERThese notes are prepared under the guidance of experienced teachers and Abhishek Saraf himself. This IAS study material covers everything that’s needed to crack the Civil Services Exam. Previous Years’ Exam Analysis is done to make it the best study material.BASED ON THE PATTERN OF EXAMINATIONThis study material is completely based on the newest pattern of IAS examination. Aspirants’ don’t need to spend their precious time finding unnecessary supplementary material. The right strategy will speed up their Civil Services Exam preparation. It’s truly a success mantra for aspirants.QR Coded Crisp & Concise NotesThese concise and crisp bullet pointwise notes cover complete syllabus for UPSC prelims as well as mains exam. QR coded notes help you stay updated with the changing dynamics of the latest UPSC exam pattern. Thousands of pages concise into limited no. of pages by structural demarcation of topics up to 5 levels. Flowcharts, Maps and Infographics help you in picturing the content in the easiest way to rememberSET OF 14 BOOKSThis set of 14 books covers the full syllabus (Pre-Mains) including NCERT. These notes are exam-centric based on the latest pattern of examination. Smart preparation of these notes will enhance your chances of success.Indian Administrative Service Exam is a highly competitive examination where lakhs of aspirants appear every year to become an officer. Aspirants need to prepare smartly with strong determination to crack this examination.