SELF-EXPLANATORY NOTES: These UGC-NET Paper 2 Darshan Shastra ( Philosophy ) notes will help you to crack the UGC-NET examination in less time & effort. Simple language makes these books, wonderful study material for National Eligibility Test.TIME-SAVING: To pass the NET exam, this set of 5 books will be helpful. The content is well-written that's to-the-point and easy to memorize. This will save precious time before & after the exam.EXCELLENT PAGE INDEXING: The latest edition of this set of books is written well in a clean and readable format. Page indexing is done perfectly, therefore aspirants can go through the topics very quickly. It will help during exam time.SHORT TRICKS & PROBLEM-SOLVING METHODS: Every topic is covered as per the syllabus of the UGC-NET exam. Short tricks, problem-solving methods, and solved examples are provided in this set of books. With the perfect strategy, aspirants can prepare for the exam within a short period of time.EXAM-ORIENTED STUDY MATERIAL: These books are prepared by well-qualified and experienced teachers who have years of experience in the preparation of the NET. They have invested their time, energy, and knowledge in the selection of content for UGC-NET philosophy books.TOPPERSNOTES UGC-NET Paper 2 Philosophy will be very helpful in cracking the UGC-NET exam. It's genuinely an excellent compilation that's prepared by experienced faculties after comprehensive research. This also covers the UGC NET philosophy question bank & previous year solved questions. It's a key to success in exams.