Get started on your GMAT studies completely for free—no need to invest any money yet. Manhattan Prep’s entire GMAT Foundations program, including this ebook, is available for free:
GMAT Foundations program fully updated for the new GMAT, including supplemental digital materials covering the test changes
Register your book at to access online materials
400+ page Foundations of Math ebook and 700+ practice problems
Fully updated for the new GMAT, including supplemental digital materials covering the test changes
400+ page Foundations of Math ebook and 700+ practice problems
Two 5-hour Math Foundations workshops (attend live with an instructor or watch recordings)
400+ page Foundations of Verbal ebook
Full (and free!) GMAT Starter Kit online syllabus, including lessons on test structure, scoring, and problem types, as well as strategies for time management across all test sections, and more
Take a free practice test; we’ll guide you through how to analyze your results
Once you’ve build up your foundations and determined your starting score level, strengths, and weaknesses, then decide how to spend money (if necessary) to further your studies
Plan to spend about 6 to 10 weeks (at about 4 to 8 hours a week) working through all of these free materials
Get started on your GMAT studies with zero investment except your time. We’re excited to start working with you!