With Option Trading it is possible to generate regular monthly income from stock market. Market has enough for our need but not enough for our greed. Important Topics Covered: *Direction Analysis* *Detailed Analysis of Quantitative Data wrt Future and Options including Option Chain like no where else* *Optimum Position Sizing* *Option Strategies and how to manage them in worst-case scenarios* When Trading in Options, we predict where the market cannot go and strategize accordingly. While trading, have you ever wondered: 1. What is market going to do next? 2. How can you position yourself around that so that probability of profit is maximum? 3. What should be the ideal position-sizing so that you do not lose big. 4. What should be the ideal option strategy, Risk:Reward, probability of winning? 5. How to handle worst-case scenarios and come out unscathed. Definitive Guide to Advanced Option Trading is answer to all these questions. When we execute a trade, it can result in: Big Win, Small Win, Break-Even, Small Loss & BIG LOSS. This book teaches you how to avoid the Big Loss and you automatically become profitable in the long run.