Gita Govinda (The song of Govinda) is one of ancient India's most renowned classics; it lucidly focuses on Radha and Krsna intimate love affairs. Sensuous is Jayadeva's sweet language, yet his message in Gita Govinda paints the accurate picture, for our Sri Govinda is Amorous love Personified '. The story's first chapter provides the evidence: visvesamanuranjanena janayannaandamindivara srenisyamla komalair upanayanangairotsavam svaccandarh vrajasundearibhirabhiramitam pratyanganmalingitab smgarah sakhi murtimaniva madhou harihkridati. A sakhi tells Radha: "o vinodini Rai, just see how krsna enjoys the spring! He is making love with all of the Vraja sundaris as they embrace and fondle every limb of His soft, syama body which is more deli- cate and colorful than blue lotus.