The purpose of publication of this book is to make the work of Ramanathapuram Srinivasa Iyengar, a 20th century composer, accessible to one and all. Following the footsteps of the great St. Tyagaraja. Ramanathapuram Srinivasa Iyengar composed in Telugu language only in spite of being a Tamilian. It is a worldwide accepted fact that St. Tyagaraja composed in a lucid and simple way. Adopting his style, Ramanathapuram Srinivasa lyengar thus composed kritis in Telugu language only which were easily understood by everyone. His use of the easily comprehensible style in his compositions made him become one of the most prominent composers of the post-Trinity era. His manuscript containing many compositions, texts and notations were in possession of D. Chellam lyengar, son of one of his longtime disciples. G. Daraiswamy lyengar The work of Ramanathapuram Srinivasa lyengar was then published in the year 1982 by D Chellam lyengar in Tamil script only with an aim to make it easily available to all musicians in the Karnatic Music field. The aim of the authae of this book beto address the non-Tamil readers around the world and a sincere effort has been made to adapt the above book it three other languages. All musical tonus on has book contain lyrics in Telugu Devanagari and English and alsw have SRGM notations in English Hape this book caters to the needs of vider populatio