Giriratna Mishra
Giriratna Mishra is Gṛhastha Sādhaka and an Indologist who was born in Varanasi To Smt. Padma Mishra and Sri Raghvendra Mishra. He is B Tech in Electronics and Communications Engineering and began his career in IT&C sector which he gave up and currently he practices under the guidance of his able master the famous saint of World Avadhūta Bhagvāna Rama Jī. He has also written books in the field of Tantra and those which are published are: Śrī Tantrāloka vol. – 2, 3 & 4 – 2019; Śābara Mantra Kośa (Encyclopaedia of Śābara Mantra) Vol. – 1&2 By: Dr Anupama & Giriratna Mishra – 2019; Śrī Tantrāloka vol. – 1 – 2018; Śrī Bagalatattva Prakāśikā - 2017; Śrī Mātṛkācakra Viveka – 2016; Śrī Bhūtaḍāmara Tantra – 2015 and Śrī Kālī Tantra and Śrī Rudra Caṇḍī: –2015 and Uḍḍīśa Tantra - 2015.
Presented papers: “Śrī Bagalāmukhītattvanirūpaṇam” in National Seminar “Shakti Worship in India”, organised by Amrita Darshanam and IGNCA at Amrita Vishvavidyapeetham Kollam on 21st – 23rd Sept’2018 and “Subtle Trika in Veda and Śrī Tantrāloka” in International Seminar on “Millennium celebrations of Kāśmīrīya Mahāmaheśvara Ācārya Abhinavagupta”, organised by IGNCA New Delhi on 15th – 17th Dec’2016.
Invited Speaker (Online): Kāmakalā Vilāsa Śrī Vidyā Sādhanā on the occasion of Śrī Lalitā Jayantī at Himalayan Heritage Foundation, Srinagar, J&K; Trika Śābda Bodha Vyākhyānam Svāmī Rāma Jayantī on 5thJan’21 at Ishwar Ashram Trust, Srinagar, J&K;
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Giriratna Mishra
Giriratna Mishra is Gṛhastha Sādhaka and an Indologist who was born in Varanasi To Smt. Padma Mishra and Sri Raghvendra Mishra. He is B Tech in Electronics and Communications Engineering and began his career in IT&C sector which he gave up and currently he practices under the guidance of his able master the famous saint of World Avadhūta Bhagvāna Rama Jī. He has also written books in the field of Tantra and those which are published are: Śrī Tantrāloka vol. – 2, 3 & 4 – 2019; Śābara Mantra Kośa (Encyclopaedia of Śābara Mantra) Vol. – 1&2 By: Dr Anupama & Giriratna Mishra – 2019; Śrī Tantrāloka vol. – 1 – 2018; Śrī Bagalatattva Prakāśikā - 2017; Śrī Mātṛkācakra Viveka – 2016; Śrī Bhūtaḍāmara Tantra – 2015 and Śrī Kālī Tantra and Śrī Rudra Caṇḍī: –2015 and Uḍḍīśa Tantra - 2015.
Presented papers: “Śrī Bagalāmukhītattvanirūpaṇam” in National Seminar “Shakti Worship in India”, organised by Amrita Darshanam and IGNCA at Amrita Vishvavidyapeetham Kollam on 21st – 23rd Sept’2018 and “Subtle Trika in Veda and Śrī Tantrāloka” in International Seminar on “Millennium celebrations of Kāśmīrīya Mahāmaheśvara Ācārya Abhinavagupta”, organised by IGNCA New Delhi on 15th – 17th Dec’2016.
Invited Speaker (Online): Kāmakalā Vilāsa Śrī Vidyā Sādhanā on the occasion of Śrī Lalitā Jayantī at Himalayan Heritage Foundation, Srinagar, J&K; Trika Śābda Bodha Vyākhyānam Svāmī Rāma Jayantī on 5thJan’21 at Ishwar Ashram Trust, Srinagar, J&K;
He is Recipient of various Awards presented by state and others.
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