Rajesh Pandey, a retired IPS officer, concluded his service as IG of Bareilly Range, UP, in May 2022. With a career spanning several decades, he was a founding member of the UP STF and ATS, instrumental in combating organized crime and terrorism. He led crucial operations, earning four Indian Police Medals for Gallantry. Pandey also served with the UN Peacekeeping Mission in Kosovo, receiving the United Nations Medal. Currently, he is the nodal officer at UPEIDA. Passionate about storytelling, he shares his police experiences on his YouTube channel. He lives in Lucknow.
Rakesh Goswami is a professor of English Journalism at the Indian Institute of Mass Communication, New Delhi, overseeing admissions and examinations. A former regional director at IIMC Jammu, he spent 20 years in journalism, working across print and broadcast media. He started his career at Hindustan Times, Lucknow, and later headed editorial operations in Rajasthan. He holds a Master’s in Journalism, a University Gold Medal, and a PhD on Rajasthan films. He lives in Delhi.