About the Book: Murshidabad Starvation Deaths This book attempts to put across actual facts about Golwalkar's life and beliefs in the light of his original writings, publications of the RSS, documents available in its archives and many other RSS documents the writer collected over the last 35 years from different parts of the country, specially the original text of Golwalkar's book We or Our Nationhood Defined (1939) which is being reproduced in this book. It is the most important text in order to understand the RSS' concept of Hindu state, and has not been available after 1947. About the Author: Shamsul Islam Shamsul Islam teaches Political Science in Satyawati College, University of Delhi. As an author, columnist and street theatre activist he is known for his unrelenting opposition to religious intolerance, dehumanization, imperialism and persecution of women, Dalits and minorities.