WHO WILL BENEFIT?Haryana CET Group D aspirantsBOOK STRUCTUREHaryana CET Solved Papers 2023 & 2022Haryana Samanya GyaanEntire book is divided into 6 subjective sectionsHIGHLIGHTS OF THE BOOKDetailed Theory Coverage: Each chapter provides a thorough breakdown of concepts, enabling you to understand the foundational knowledge required for Group DPractice Questions: Numerous practice questions at the end of each chapter help you test your understanding and enhance retentionSolved Examples and Solved Papers: Includes solved examples to demonstrate application and solved papers to practice exam-style questionsHaryana Samanya Gyaan: A separate section to cover all general studies topics related to HaryanaWHY THIS BOOK?Updated to reflect the current CET Group D exam pattern and syllabusSimple and concise language, making it suitable for aspirants of all educational backgroundsContains focused content, abundant practice questions, and a format that simplifies learningIdeal to prepare each section of the exam