In the heart of Assam, amidst the rhythmic chugging of an ancient meter-gauge train, Dr. Prashant goes through a journey that will test his resolve and compassion. As the train pulls into Harmutty Railway Station, Dr. Prashant's encounter with a despondent co-traveler sets the stage for a profound exploration of human connection and resilience.From bustling cities to remote villages, Dr. Prashant grapples with his past while confronting the challenges of serving in distant lands. As he navigates through treacherous terrain and encounters the harsh realities of life in the hinterland, he is forced to confront the true meaning of service and sacrifice."Anger of the Mountain God" by Kaling Dai is a captivating tale of one man's journey to find purpose in the chaos of life. Through moments of reflection and acts of compassion, Dr. Prashant discovers that true fulfillment lies in serving others, no matter the cost. Prepare to be transported to an unforgettable tale filled with heartache, courage, and ultimately, hope.