In the heart of Chhattisgarh lies Dandakaranya, an ancient jungle cloaked in mystery, where echoes of forgotten lives and whispers of lost power linger. Samira, a modern-day explorer with a camera and an insatiable curiosity, is drawn into its depths by forces she cannot fully understand.
Guided by a haunting presence and confronted by voices from the past, Samira steps into a realm where history, myth, and shadows blend;, challenging her to uncover hidden truths and question everything she thought she knew about courage, power, and survival.
What secrets lie within Dandakaranya? And who-or what-awaits her at the journey's end?
Dandakaranya: The Jungle of Matriarchy is a mesmeriszing tale that weaves mystery, resilience, and the haunting beauty of a world lost to time. Enter if you dare-but be prepared to leave forever changed.